Why the mudslinging on the DUSA website?
Dan and his friends charge that property owners (i.e. Sandman, Emanon, and Yellow Pine) are part of an environmental conspiracy.
Their opinions (presumably representative of the OHV community)as recently posted on the DUSA website are summarized as follows:
1) The "enviro crowd" supports the concepts of the socialist party.
2) The goal of the "enviros" is to destroy democracy and capitalism and squash anyone espousing liberty and self rule.
3) They are supported by nothing but ideologues with a twisted view of the world and have marginalized themselves with anyone who has half a brain.
4) Enviros are "Pro Nature and anti access/OHV zealots" who post on websites and find it necessary to resort to lies, extortion, acts of violence and boobytraps.
5) Climate change is environmental voodoo promoted by dangerous fanatics, snake oil salesmen, liars and opportunists and believed by fools.
6) Retribution and retaliation against the enviro crowd is encouraged (link included).