Dan writes, "You can demonize this guy Arizona Mike all you want. But I've also read third party posts here claiming he was tossed out of FOJF for being an "OHV spy". Such a heinous crime! It does say a lot about the mindset of FOJF, however, if being an OHV recreationist is actionable, as in the case of Arizona Mike being thrown out on his ear. "
Friends of Juniper Flats is open to all who support responsible recreation. AZ was a long-time visitor to the region, enjoying both OHV exploration and hot springing. He had made many friends but was known to be volatile in temperament.
On one visit, he became angry with a resident over an unrelated incident, but did not find support for his position. Knowing that closure of an illegal OHV route into the primary cultural site on Juniper Flats was a goal of FOJF, he sought to retaliate. Contrary to his earlier support for responsible recreation, he took the side of a neighbor who had vowed to continue to ride wherever he pleased without regard to the law.
AZ's volatility eventually resulted in losing the right to post on the Forum, which is not connected to the Friends of Juniper Flats.
AZ has apparently not visited for some time, but I still consider him to be a friend.