Here are recent opinions of Dan and his friends on global warming:
Why is it they have suddenly changed the whole catch phrase for the entire concept of humans ignorantly creating huge changes in the earth's atmospheric phenomena to "global climate change"? Haven't they got the memo? Or, is there some other reason for them to sell us on the idea of global cooling/global warming/global climate-change? Maybe they just forgot they used to sell us this bag of manure as global cooling just a few years ago, and are just now realizing they look like snake oil salesmen? Liars. Opportunists. Fools.
Honest debates assume both sides are being intellectually honest. This is a waste of time to debate these people. They are fanatics who don't have the facts behind their assertions, yet are attempting to influence and control policy. Dangerous.
Like I said before, if got to justify your exsitence, if ya gotta keep those grants and private funds coming in, you'll say or do ( and now produce & direct ) whatever it takes to keep that lifes blood flowing, cause without out it, they're just another unemployed throw back to the 70's lost in the 2K.
Beside Environmental voodoo is a Billion dollar business, what leftwing Politician could pass up on that cash cow.
Gore should do something like " The Hooter Girls from Mars " ya know, something a little more believable; or if nothing else, entertaining
Al Gore is the biggest pantload I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.
It's amazing that a guy like that could be the inventor of the internet!
DAN said: "Why is it, then, that environmental groups are going bug-nuts over "global warming", and pushing with everything they've got to force the United States into signing the Kyoto Protocol?"
Could it be that it's a UN backed program and that most of the wacko enviros are left wing socialists, just as the UN is???
Yes, yes, I think it could be that exactly. You know, Castle, you might be on to something here......
You don't suppose the centralized command and control scheme of socialism or communism would be perfectly suited to further the agenda of the enviro movement, do you? And you don't suppose the enviro movement, all its true believers, and all its billions of dollars in grant money would be perfect useful idiots for the aims of A.N.S.W.E.R. and the World Socialist Party, do you? And you don't suppose that since the enviro crowd is already leftist-thinking for the most part, and since they support the concepts of the socialist party, and since they really really want the nasty traditionalist Republicans out of office really really badly, they would stoop to assisting the socialists to oust the only American Political party that stands in their way, do you?
I more than suppose. I do my own thinking. I do my own political assessments. I am convinced that if given the reins, the Democrat Party will continue to move leftward, give the enviros enough control to destroy democracy and capitalism, and make themselves a cozy little place in a new American Politburo, where they can plan perpetual political power and squash anyone espousing liberty and self-rule for good. They are thirsting for power, and will do deals with anyone that will help them get it back. They are weak, and will sell our souls to become the decision makers again.
DAN said: "You don't suppose the centralized command and control scheme of socialism or communism would be perfectly suited to further the agenda of the enviro movement, do you?"
YES, YES, YES, it's exactly what I'm saying.
Al Gore is absolutely dumber than a bag of hammers. GW Bush is more intelligent, has far more common sense, and understands the threats we face today better than Uncle Al the Kiddie's Pal ever will.