Mutual respect on DUSA message board? Today's postings:
I have read some of the past posts you guys have posted and yes I know about the name calling. I restrained myself from replying because I didn't want to sound like and "idiot" right off .
I agree that private property is such. No trespassing allowed unless you allow it. Personally if I owned some acres in a beautiful part of this country and some one illegally trespassed by foot or another means I would take offense.
You OHV guys have to agree that we need to stop illegal OHV use, it's killing our sport. If we could eliminate the 2% of the OHV crowd who doesn't care about private or public land that is off limits we'd be ok. Not too sure how to do this though.
--Philip (fbergski)
Thanks for being a voice of reason. I came on this forum to talk about how to stop illegal use, but as far as I can tell most of the offroaders that post here are sympathetic to the 2%. Frankly, I think the percentage is higher than 2%, but since I only see the trespassers, I do not have much opportunity to come into contact with the law-abiding fraction.
I agree that the offroad guys need to stop illegal use. As with any chronic problem (e.g. alcohol abuse, compulisive gambling, etc.) the first step toward recovery is to recognize that there is a problem. What I see on this forum is denial and blaming of the victims of ORV trespassing, vandalism, and violence.
For example a man named Joe Jepson from Silverton had his leg broken in a brutal, violent, and unprovoked attack by a couple ATV riders whe were trespassing on his property. According to "Big Al", Mr. Jepson had it coming. I think you will agree that these remarks just further the stereotype of offroaders as thugs, punks, and criminals.
I often print out the comments on this forum and take them to our neighborhood association meetings. Nothing has done more to motivate my neighbors to support efforts to prevent trespassing by repairing our boundary fences, re-posting vandalized signs, and installing safe and effective ATV guards that are designed to puncture the tires of trespassing ATV riders and protect our children and pets.
--Yellow Pine