Earlier in this string LaughingBear disclosed "You forgot the part where I dropped off Cote and Nancy with the injured party and chased Gary in my truck as far as the turnoff to Bowen Ranch in an attempt to apprehend and hold him for the cops. I was hot! Maybe you didn't get that part of the story."
When LaughingBear was presented with a request for clarification: "How were the cops going to be notified? LaughingBear would have to hold him forever." LaughingBear went ballistic with false recriminations against William and Moss Mill.
LaughingBear came upon the crime scene of his friend "Gary The Growler" looming over the mutilated hotspringer victim. "The Growler was so shocked that his horrific crimes were witnessed, that he jumped into his red van and fled back to the Ranch." How could LaughingBear have rescued the horribly beaten hotspringer lying in the road, taken the victim to the Village and then pretend that he "chased Gary in my truck"?
LaughingBear did go to the Ranch, not to "hold [Growler] for the cops", but to rage, "I was hot", at Gary Krower for doing something that could bring the cops. After agreeing on the story that the hotspringer was drunk, LaughingBear returned to his home in the Village to convince the mulated hotspringer not to go to the cops.
What ugly truth is LaughingBear concealing about his relationship with his friend "Gary the Growler" and the Bowen Ranch?