I believe, my good man, that you have hit the proverbial nail, squarely on it's broad head!
The attraction of those wonderful springs, like other good things in life, attracts both the good, the bad and the ugly. Oops, that's three things, not two... Anyway, thank goodness the actual Springs are on public lands ( or federal... or whatever it is that gives us all free access), not in control of some private individual. And thank goodness there is more than just one way to get there!
So Katrina... why don't you just access the springs you love so much from some other direction away from the Bowen Ranch? Are you concerned about your safety AT the springs? I would hope not... that you and others would feel safe relaxing and soaking there.
I'm curious, does anyone know of ACTUAL violent or illegal acts occuring at the springs, themselves? (Other than the knuckleheads who camp, build fires, leave their garbage, and otherwise just make annoying nuisences of themselves.)
May the hot pottin' continue at Deep Creek and be peaceful to all for years to come. Only until folks put aside private agendas and any selfish interests, then that wish can be a reality.