What unbased assumption? I simply expressed my opinion. And the reference to name-calling should be clear. I and anyone else who disagrees with William and Gail have repeatedly been called names here on the forum, and the only person who responded in kind (with name-calling) was banned from the forum. Isn't Wizard making an unbased assumption that I have been "hand-fed the facts" from Mike Castro? I said it is MY OPINION that MOST (not all by any means...don't wear that shoe unless it fits) people who buy into William and Gail's stories are those who already have an axe to grind with Mike Castro. That is my opinion based on the forum and talks with people at the springs. Of course, I failed to mention that some people have for some reason donated money to the DCHS, Inc takeover attempt and so perhaps they are still hoping for some return on their investments.
I am glad to hear you say that you have never had a problem with Mike Castro. It should relieve Gary's worries to know that. I don't care how he accesses the springs, but I hate to think that he would steer clear of the Bowen Ranch because some very vocal people keep repeating unfounded allegations about Mike Castro's "violence." (Notice that I said "some" and that I did not say that you do that)
The real question...why do my opinions, which are not based on any motive of material gain or long-standing hatred, draw the responses that they do here on the forum?
Thank you, Wizard and DCR, for discussing this without resorting to pettiness and name-calling.