I know... I know... I know... the monkey story was not the best comparison for the Bowen ranch stuff. I posted it more as poking fun at me, and those like me who may have never had any negative experiences with Mike Castro. But who, through the conditioning of reading the stories of those who have encountered things first hand, we are now happy to join in the fight... so to speak.
Actually, I won't likely join in any fight or campaign for or against any individual associated with the Bowen Ranch... or otherwise. It doesn't hit me close to home like it does those of you in the Village or those who live near by and visit the springs far more frequently than I do.
Had I never visited the DCHS Inc. site, or this forum... and learned about all this stuff, I would just continue happily (sort of) driving to the ranch, paying the toll and being on my merry way to the springs when ever I had the chance. Never being worried or concerned about my safety.
However, due to my conditioning from these posts, and talking with a few folks directly... this "monkey" is now somewhat concerned about his safety when approaching or being around the ranch, and being on my best behavior to follow Mike's imposed or implied "rules". Either that, or I'll approach from a different location, as I have in the past.
Actually, to tell you the truth, I've never dared to take the road to the village as I've passed it countless times on the route to the ranch. Should I be concerned about wandering up that road out of curiousity to see what's happening there?
Like I said, there was no intent to slam those making their case, but to show the similarity of the new monkeys to folks like me... I'm concerned and wary about approaching the steps to the Bowen Ranch Banana, even though I've never had the unpleasant experience of being sprayed with the "cold water".