Naked Man, you have your own point of veiw, don't think for a minute though that all the other people who come here to this forum see's things as you do. That is what you imply. Since you and AZ are such good friends now I'm sure you can ask him to show you his trail. He has now admitted doing the illegal work. You have a law breaker for a buddy :-) I seek and side with what I see to be the truth, not personalities. Yes, I contributed $150 dollars to this quite claim deed concerning the Bowen Ranch building. If the claim is invalid then that is my loss, and the " truth " is that it has nothing to do with anything I have talked about here. I still feel Katrina may very well have legal ownership of the building and surrounding easement. If Katrina continues to pursue this then the courts will decide. It is clear that Mike Castro has purchased some land, whether or not he actually owns the Ranch buildings and 40 acre surrounding easement remains to be seen. You state concerning the recent shootings at the JF3 trailhead that it was " some knuckehead from Apple Valley ". The source is actually still a mystery unless you know something we don't. I do not understand your question reffering to motives and agenda's ? It is my opinion that Mike Castro will use any ploy availabe to eliminate any route from the northside of DCHS that is comparable to the Bowen Ranch. Its about contol and money.