Naked Man, just about every time we visit the springs we help other hikers out. Sometimes our visits are frequent, sometimes not. And no, no one has ever knocked on my door asking for help near DCHS in the middle of the night. (That would be pretty silly since we live 1.5 hours away! :-) ) Yes, we've jumped dead batteries and given rides to people to their cars. We even help the people that totally wander off the wrong way and would otherwise spend the entire night in the desert lost. Just because Mike helps people since he's a nice guy doesn't make it his responsibility. And just because someone drives on the BLM routes doesn't make it anyone else's responsibility for them being there either. There's a reason it's called PUBLIC LANDS. Which also means that everyone should be allowed access to DCHS. No one should be screened on the BLM routes to see if they are "bad people". If Mike wants to do that at his door, fine. But the rest of the access points should be open for the public, period.