Naked Man, I can't believe you're blaming the J3 trail for the car vandalisms. How can people using public lands in a legal manner be provoking these crimes? The vandalisms are wrong and should be stopped by law enforcement officials that we all pay for with our tax dollars. But people acting in a legal manner should not be held responsible for somehow encouraging these crimes to occur. That's blaming the victims, pure and simple. To address your other post Naked Man, I never claim that no riff raff will enter through J3. They might. My point however is that if you're going to blame J3 for riff raff, it would make a lot more sense to look at where the actual majority of riff raff is coming from, and that's Bowen Ranch, right past the toll collector Mike Castro. Don't you see why it's silly to blame J3 for a problem that has existed for a long time and that continues to exist because Mike Castro does not effectively screen who uses his private property for access to the springs? There will always be inconsiderate people at the springs, and I don't see why J3 will make the situation so much more worse than it already is. And one more thing: you say that it makes no sense to think of Mike Castro as a suspect for these car crimes. Why not? Mike stands to gain financially from these car vandalisms. They scare people into parking on his supposedly safe property. Second, Mike has been seen in the vicinity of the crime after one incident occurred, and motorcycle tracks leading back to his property were observed in another incident. Nobody is saying anything's definitive here, but you have to admit that Mike Castro needs to explain himself here.