I did a whirl-wind tour of Deep Creek today beginning at 1:23 PM. I hiked to the east along the upper ridges from and area around the JF3 trailhead and eventually ascended down to the springs just before Luna canyon. After crossing Deep Creek I then hiked down stream along the PCT toward DCHS. After about 45 minutes I arrived at OZ and found a couple of regulars. We were talking about issues related to DCHS when suddenly at 3:20 PM we heard what sounded like a rifle shot in the hills to the north of us, which happened to be the direction of my truck. I told them that maybe I was the next victim of vandalism :-( They were both aware of the recent stories of broken windows that we have discussed here on the forum. Anyway we went on discussing things. After about 40 minutes I had to depart to pick up my Munchkins at daycare. I finally arrived back at my truck at around 5 :10 and made it to the daycare at 6 PM. Funny thing, I never got in the creek or the hotpools and I never took off my back pack during the entire hike! Is this a case of love for the hotsprings or just insanity :-)