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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (71% of Full)


Re: Shot in the hills

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June 26, 2002 08:28AM
I cannot believe what I just read!

From FOF: "How is it that Mike C. 'screens" people going to the springs and what is his reasoning in doing so?"

Duh! He does it when they drive up to his front door! If he detects something askew, he turns them away. What's so hard to understand? If the group looks like a bunch of roudys who may be more trouble than they're worth, he turns them away, the same way as YOU would if a bunch of idiots showed up at YOUR door. Do you know what an 'idiot' is? It's a person or persons who can't seem to behave themselves in public. We know they exist. Why are you pretending they don't?

Also from FOF: "The springs are on public land and everyone has the right to access them."

NO ONE has the right to cross private property without permission. Including YOU. Get it right, FOF. And whatever criteria Mike applies to 'screen' people is entirely up to him. If he thought you were ugly, for example, he COULD turn you away merely on that basis if it suited him. It's HIS property. Do you understand the concept of PRIVATE PROPERTY? Apparently not.

Another thing from FOF: "If he chooses to 'help' stranded, lost or injuried people then good for him but we do not have to thank him...".

Right. You can minimize his efforts. You can be continue to be ungrateful for his efforts. I'll bet that if you ever did break down somewhere near Mike's place, you'd walk home to avoid having to thank Mike for helping. That sure sounds reasonable and mature.

I don't understand you. You have the opportunity to set the record straight regarding your alleged involvement in making a new trail, but apparently would rather play games. Do you really expect that readers here would take the time to 'research' past posts to find the answer? Your response points to an agenda other than stating the facts. That may not be accurate, but that's the perception you've left with me and perhaps others.

Someone else asks why Mike is "expected" to help people in the first place. Well, obviously he doesn't have to help anyone. But he does. He just happens to be the only one in the area familiar with the area enough to be of help. And he just happens to be the only one who's available to help.

Who are stranded people going to call for help? Obviously, they're going to call Mike. Not Gail. Not FOF. Not Wizard. Not Jobe. Not DCR. Why? Cuz you guys are not there on a consistant basis like Mike is. Mike is EXPECTED to help because he has proved to be the only one who DOES help on a consistant basis.

Mike provides a valuable service but apparently gets nothing but criticism for doing so. And I think I know why.

Wizard and others, it is my impression that each of you have had some run-in with Mike at one time or another and THAT is the reason you have a problem with Mike. When you're wrong, like when you're caught trespassing on private property, you eat the crow that you put on your own plate - you don't blame and defame the guy who caught you.

Shot in the hills

Wizard 1513June 20, 2002 08:55PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 970June 20, 2002 09:00PM

Re: Shot in the hills

mp 859June 21, 2002 12:23AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 963June 20, 2002 09:46PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 932June 21, 2002 09:39AM

Re: Shot in the hills

mp 1017June 22, 2002 08:30PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 1010June 23, 2002 06:42AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Arizona Mike 849June 24, 2002 07:34PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 870June 25, 2002 12:31PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 892June 25, 2002 04:11PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 859June 24, 2002 11:25PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Arizona Mike 995June 25, 2002 11:50AM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 1000June 25, 2002 07:44AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Arizona Mike 875June 25, 2002 11:54AM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 914June 25, 2002 12:00PM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 884June 25, 2002 12:54PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 1547June 25, 2002 01:20PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 1150June 25, 2002 01:34PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Free our Forests 1477June 25, 2002 01:52PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 956June 25, 2002 02:39PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Free our Forests 861June 25, 2002 04:30PM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 985June 25, 2002 06:36PM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 895June 25, 2002 07:07PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 942June 25, 2002 08:44PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 989June 25, 2002 08:58PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 890June 25, 2002 09:27PM

Re: Shot in the hills

laughing bear 930June 26, 2002 08:13AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 953June 26, 2002 11:43AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 1053June 26, 2002 08:28AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 876June 26, 2002 08:50AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 943June 26, 2002 08:53AM

Re: Shot in the hills

EastBay 910June 26, 2002 10:50AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 791June 26, 2002 12:18PM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 768June 26, 2002 11:25AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 1037June 26, 2002 11:28AM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 899June 26, 2002 11:59AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 988June 26, 2002 12:28PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Naked Man 909June 26, 2002 01:49PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 778June 26, 2002 12:09PM

Re: Shot in the hills

DCR 842June 26, 2002 12:40PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Free our Forests 907June 26, 2002 02:09PM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 877June 26, 2002 07:02PM

Re: Shot in the hills

EastBay 1024June 27, 2002 11:23AM

Re: Shot in the hills

Wizard 1319June 27, 2002 08:03PM

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