Naked Man, you say, "The fact is, Mike does screen people as they come into his property and turns people away when necessary. He DOES screen people OUT at times. And he has EVERY right to do so.
"Who is going to screen the people coming thru the JF3 trial?" FOF apparently thinks it's unnecessary."
Why should we be screened from our own public lands??? There should be no qualifications for entering either BLM or USFS lands.
Why is Mike Castro expected to "rescue" people on the BLM and USFS routes? What happened to the BLM and USFS people? Those routes are open to anyone to use and it's not Mike Castro's "responsibliity" to save people out there. If there is increased usage of these routes there are probably other factors driving the increased usage of the routes ... fees, people wishing to drive 4wd vehicles, personal challenges, access issues, etc.
I don't think it's fair to blame anyone for people wishing to use these open routes. They have their own reasons regardless of which specific trail they choose to use. People have been using BLM routes to circumvent Mike Castro's fee for years ... and that was way before this new "trail" at JF3 showed up.
And btw, I am glad to hear of Mike's "... human kindheartedness to help the victims of broken into and broken down cars on the JF3 trail." Nice to know a "warm fuzzy" about the guy :-)