Ok let us start with this quote from naked man
Doesn't that make you kinda responsible for all those who now use that trail? Assuming that you did indeed make that trail,
you've kinda now made yourself into the trail 'monitor'...kinda like Mike C. is at the entrance to the Ranch. I guess that goes
for Joe (Jobe) too.
how is Mike a trail monitor? If charging anyone who has the $4 to enter, park and walk through his land a form of "monitoring" then perhaps we should all have a copy of your dictionary. Mike C. does absolutly no monitoring, he turns no one away ( unless they don't have the $4) I guess you could say he monitors by greed.
Let us next move to AZ Mike
"You should by all rights be required to pickup other visitors trash at the hot springs. After all aren't you and Jobe, (Joe
Baucum) the one's who built that illegal trail we've talked about? You invite all to wonder out there, including the party types.
Then go out and pickup after them.
You don't love this hot spring. How is that benifit the springs in positive way?"
To begin with, all visitors should be picking up their own trash no matter what route the use. But let us use your logic for a moment, it seems likely that a larger percentage of visitors enter through the Bowen ranch so it would only be logical for Mike C. and his group to be packing out a majority of the trash. I don't believe this is happenning.
Wizard may have special powers but it seems very unlikely that he is waiting at the enterance of a unmarked trail, for every visitor, and welcoming them to wonder the wonderful land of OZ, I don't think he has the time.
Back to naked man
"Not to mention that
the more you travel JF3, the more attractive it looks to those who want to get into the Springs unchecked."
I think what you meant to say instead of 'unchecked' not having paid a fee.