Wizard, (Van Wigington), my life is fine both here and up north, sorry you have problem with it. Go cry on your brothers shoulder and maybe he can cry on yours.
You should by all rights be required to pickup other visitors trash at the hot springs. After all aren't you and Jobe, (Joe Baucum) the one's who built that illegal trail we've talked about? You invite all to wonder out there, including the party types. Then go out and pickup after them.
You don't love this hot spring. How is that benifit the springs in positive way?
How do I know who built the trail? Mike at the ranch told me. How did he fine out? You told him.
You true blue members of DCHS, Inc. should be held accountable for your stinking ways. You're the biggest bunch hypocrites I've ever seen. You've made it part of this forum by attacking a friend of mine and then when the tables are turned and you don't or can't get your way, you cry like babies.
If this hot spring gets closed, I'll sure to Blame DCHS, Inc.
Then Wizard / Van Wigington of Apple Valley can write a 3-page novel again and maybe can title it, "DCHS, Inc. to Blame"