Yes, favors are a issue, Rick.
If we have been sold out in WEMO by Barry Nelson as a favor to Mike Castro, that is a real issue.
The escalating lawlessness is at the root of our concerns for WEMO. We would not be concerned about OHV routes if they were enforceable and the OHV community was compliant.
We have been trying to stop the escalating OHV non-compliance by working neighbor-to-neighbor, but Mike is either unable or unwilling to see our side of the issue.
I and others have enjoyed spending time at Bowen Ranch and considered Mike to be a friend. It is a sad thing to have differences come between us.
During the feud between Gail and Mike, we maintained friendships with everyone--Mike Castro, Hotspringer Roe, Rick and Rona, Limo Dave, etc.
We are making a stand for compliance to the law, but in no way want to resurrect or become embroiled in these old issues.