Howdy everyone......It was another beautiful day out in Juniper Flats. Once again, Luna Mountain got a dusting of snow and everything is turning green up here with the recent rain. After doing some chores around the ranch, I decided to go hiking out in the ACEC. I found plenty to take pictures of. Yesterday, someone rode a dirt bike through the sacred cave and then proceded to ride cross country through the riparian area. The rider did intentional damage doing rooster tails through an area that had been untouched by vehicles and ended up cutting the private property boundry fence on Sec 36 to return to J1299.
The blatant vandalism continues unabated. I did notice another rider today riding illegaly within the ACEC. I wrote his description down for the weekly report to the BLM. There seems to be a local connection here. One has to wonder.....why has Mike Castro been encouraging OHV users to ride J1299? Several riders I have spoken to claim that Mike Castro tells them it is an open route through the archeological area that is closed to vehicles. Mike Castro is not alone. Where are Barry Nelson's OHV patrol when the public needs them? For that matter, where is Barry Nelson?
I believe its time for the BLM to do some housekeeping. I have spoken to a couple of "OHV Volunteers" who were engaged in riding illegaly within the ACEC. Neither one had and BLM identification on their OHVs or the vests given to Volunteers. They were abusing their status to create the illegal route J1299. The local property owners in the Juniper Flats area are tired of this dirty game. We have no problem with OHV enthusiests that come here to recreate and obey the rules. There are many law abiding folks who will suffer due to the brazen acts of vandalism committed by a small core of local riders. It isnt people from L.A. vandalizing the Sacred Cave.....its a small gang of locals.......and we know who some of them are.