O.K. That is a nice poem under deep thoughts of deep creek,Jona.I have had all of those emotions there also. It seems the springs expand your mind. What I meant to say earlyer is this.To some of us who have been around for 10+ years , the use of the name Friends of deep creek. Brings back bad memories.If I told you why, some one might say I have a vandeta or some thing.I do not. So let us skip the negative stories, and get to my point.The point is this.If some of ya'll would do some research on this very web site.And look at the photo story of the Moss mill smoking gun link.This is not a new road.This road was probably 1'st made by native americans.I have seen numerous persons cry over the emotions they have 4 this road.If you research the documents Katrina has provided, you could at least give credit to these facts.These documents did not just fall from heaven.They are the results of dozens of true freinds of dchs and many hours of work.IF you would just go to the map link and see the huge chunck of land this legal route provides eassment for. Do some of ya'll even know where the indian camp is?Can you find it on a map. To change to another topic, I went to the springs last weekend. Has anyone noticed the change in the condition of rt. JF4 to JF3?It seems to me that the bottoms of peoples cars is smoothing out this road.Heavy empact is definatly occuring. Not only on the road but also on the trail of least resistance.O.K.go to the map link if need be.I personaly talked to ranger Brad at his office @ grading this road.He explained to me, that only portions of JF3 are on national forest land.He said they would be glad to upgrade the road.The process is this.Give him the money and he will send out the grader.I would there by adopt this road.It seems the bottoms of peoples cars has saved me alot of$. Also many horses put their big feet on the trail .Making it even easyer to hike.Many thanks.I had not been to the springs for many months.And it was very nice. Did I mention Eric was the president of Friends Of Deep Creek?He published a paper sometimes.Oh how I miss it and him.