Yes, I think Ron's comments have merit and I will be rearranging the format on the front page of the website to better assist people in finding the information that they want.
The reason that it is important that people know about Mike Castro's activities is two fold. One is so that they can take protective measures so that maybe it won't happen to them. Second, so when you are speaking to the Government agencies about Deep Creek you are not blindsided when they say that the Deep Creek area is a "lawless" area.
At least you will have some idea of where this "lawlessness" originates from. I have been concerned that the agencies may use this "lawlessness" to restrict or close the area.
Knowledge is power. The information presented on the website about the lawlessness and the circumstances surrounding it will provide us with the information we need to combat this classification.
That doesn't mean that Mike Castro is the only source of lawlessness. This is a remote area and there are all kinds of people in this world.