Thanks for the reply, Wizard, the question of whether thought can ever come in contact with truth is an interesting one. Thought acquirers knowledge, is knowledge truth? Is knowledge ever complete? We are adding immense amounts of knowledge, and will continue to add to the body of knowledge at an ever increaseing rate into the forseable future. But does this knowledge prevent the perception of truth by becoming static? Does not truth have a dynamic, in the moment quality to it, that can only be described? Is the description only words, referring to something actual? You can describe fear but it is only words, not the palpatating reality of fear. Hence, knowledge which is thought/memory may become a barrier to fresh perception, which may require putting away past accumulation to be sensitive to something that is as vital as truth. Truth may have no resting place, not fixed, so that it is ever new. As new as the quiet evening, as the stars appear in the sky, but perhaps our minds are too burdened to really appreciate it.