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Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

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December 05, 2005 09:32PM
Hello Rob, thanks for your perspective and insights :-) In your last sentence you speak of thought, limitation, and something that " emerges ". Is this roughly what you meant, that human thought, encounters its limitations in understanding the complexities before it, then compensates, by moving in a direction of the creation of various " belief systems ", within which, total accuracy of thought, is not a pre-requisite, since the validation of the system of thinking, relies on various forms of faith. Much simpler for an organism to contend with, than compared to finding ultimate, accurate, absolute, truths. Perhaps you meant something differant that what I suggested, and I would be interested in hearing your accounting, if I have missed your point. I do find it quite fascinating, how our minds, of seeming similiar biology on the surface, still contain something about its nature, in the finest sense, that allows for the amazingly diverse landscapes of thought and perspective, that we see illustrated within the peoples of our world. Some component of the population, are merely presenting a facade, when it comes to professing what is thier proposed beliefs, or what justifies thier actions are. But a great portion also, seem to clearly " hold as true ", the particular system they put thier " faith " in. It seems to me, that every system that propose finite explanations for existance, uses " faith " to one degree or another. Even science puts " faith " in the notion that repeatable experiments, provide some idea of absolute " proofs " regarding given ideas. But repetition does not define what can happen" for sure ", outside the Tiny Bubble of the experiences of the human organism, which is indescribably small, if the universe, and time, are infinte.

Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 1449December 02, 2005 11:59PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 844December 03, 2005 10:03AM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

mojavegreen 842December 03, 2005 10:54AM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 1003December 03, 2005 05:50PM

Free Will & Universal connection

mojavegreen 813December 05, 2005 10:24AM

Re: Free Will & Universal connection

Wizard 939December 05, 2005 08:50PM

Re: Free Will & Universal connection

Kevin 899December 06, 2005 09:54AM

Re: Free Will & Universal connection

Wizard 861December 06, 2005 06:50PM

Re: Free Will & Universal connection

Kevin 969December 07, 2005 10:39AM

Re: Free Will & Universal connection

Wizard 843December 07, 2005 10:01PM

The "Big Blue Book"

mojavegreen 813December 07, 2005 10:46AM

Re: The "Big Blue Book"

Wizard 817December 07, 2005 10:08PM

Re: The "Big Blue Book"

Wizard 777December 09, 2005 09:38PM

Re: The "Big Blue Book"

mojavegreen 1431December 10, 2005 05:07PM

Re: Free Will & Universal connection

Wizard 903December 07, 2005 10:24AM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 783December 03, 2005 06:46PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 840December 04, 2005 10:40PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Rob 795December 05, 2005 04:24PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 790December 05, 2005 09:32PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Rob 857December 06, 2005 11:28AM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 904December 06, 2005 07:18PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Rob 839December 07, 2005 04:15PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 917December 07, 2005 10:37PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Rob 714December 09, 2005 04:26PM

Re: Memory, Patterns, Probabilities

Wizard 782December 09, 2005 09:30PM

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