As I sat, in a warm liquid pool, surrounded by an inspiring natural environment, looking up into infinity, I recognize Orion. Its pattern, exist within me, as a memory. I recall its impression, and remember it, by its relation to other patterns of my life experience. It has its place, within a framework of patterns, that make up my individual essence. My Grey Flesh holds Orion in some form of energy, and matter, but as we explore the complexities of how the mind works, we find, that memories do not hold a specific address, but are rather, the product of a combining, of an untold number of differant elements, and yet, our Magic Biological Computer, puts these undefineable peices together, creating something remembered, one part, of the misty enigmatic vapors, that are our thoughts. So if matter and energy create memory, and memory produces our perception of self, is self, really Free, and Autonomous, after all? What does it mean, when an entity without Free Will, with a predestined fate, uses its thoughts, its memories, to contemplate, the possibility, that its path of existance, its experience, cannot be altered? In that case, the course of events for existance, are mechanical in nature, and human peceptions of independence, are an Illusion.