Hello Kevin :-) Now I remember you, and the pictures you sent :-) Since I do not propose any absolutes in explaining " what is ", then my method of giving a sense of probability to things, does allow for the possibility, to one degree or another, of " all " things being possible. So an entity of greater capability, intelligence etc, could have had some involvement in the fate of humanity, in some form, or time, but that, I feel, cannot be answered finitely. As related to this, people, have differant criteria's for defining truth, reality, what it means " to know ". So some people's criteria might be such, that if excepted, or believed in by them, might facilitate that they can " know " the ultimate meanings of " what is ". So you for example, believe that by you have access to a form of knowledge, that allows you to finitely conclude that, for example, God has always existed, and, God created time. I describe the notions of what I see in my life experience, as observations. I also can discuss the merits, or probabilities, of a given concept, but that is only within the infinitely small sphere of my personal life experience, outside of which, things could be vastly differant. I also have not observed anything that I could claim as absolute, since it is my observation, or opinion, that infinite realms of the Macro and Micro worlds, cannot be described in ultimately finite, and absolute terms. Perhaps sometime, we shall meet at DCHS. Sitting in the warm waters there, with the bueatiful scenery all around, while having a lengthy dicussion on subjects such as these, is something I truly enjoy.