Hi Wizard, yes I think it's important to see the limits thought has in discovering truth, after all, the world is being ripped apart by different "takes" on what truth is. Different beliefs seperate humanity along with other deeply held identifications with nation or ethnicity. Why has human consciousness become so fragmented? Is it not that we each seek security in something we perceive as being or offering greater security or permanence? All things being impermanent, don't we seek permanence in the material as well as in the psychological realm? The question remains as to what place thought has in the discovery of something that can not be conditioned by the needs of thought? Is truth an experience that can be remembered and is static? Or is it something much more vital, that is in each moment, to be perceived, not theorized about? So, can one seek truth or can truth only reveal itself, when one has seen all the limitations of our conditioned entity which is thought? And what is this entity (self) when it is seen clearly, is it actually real or is it a accummulation of thought/memory? And can that end, without motive, to allow something not contaminated by thought to be perceived?