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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (63% of Full)


Jennifer Foster screaming

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February 18, 2005 03:49PM
Jennifer Foster writes:


Stop screaming, Jennifer. Laughing Bear heard you and quoted you correctly the first time.

You and Ranger Nelson are the outspoken critics of this fence. You must have an inside operative that has given you assurance of your prediction.

Is Ranger Nelson's favored fencing project around Bowen Ranch exempt or are you demanding that Mike Castro's fences (on public land) come down also?

Warning: Check with Ranger Nelson before answering, as he is known to react strongly to opposition.

You and Mike Castro must have a powerful ally. Mike Castro's NIMBYism is the reason J1299 is the WEMO proposed replacement for Moss Mill Rd. as the Juniper Flats/USFS OHV connector. If you question that, check the Federal Record for the (unenforced) current Emergency Route Network. Mike doesn't seem to want OHV routes in his back yard, although he is an avid dirt biker.

And as far as equestrians go, they are generally a respectable group. However, as in the OHV crowd, there are sociopaths. These "good old boys" resent all fences, and believe that private land should be open range.

Their charity does not extend to their own postage stamp property, which affords just enough room to tie up their horse and hang their weekend hat.

More damage at Cottonwood Springs

LaughingBear 1488February 13, 2005 01:29PM

Re:Fence stolen!

LaughingBear 1040February 15, 2005 08:03PM

No kidding!

katrina island 983February 15, 2005 09:26PM

Re: No kidding!

jobe 896February 16, 2005 04:59AM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

LaughingBear 945February 15, 2005 10:16PM

Fences and Footprints

katrina island 853February 15, 2005 11:27PM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

LaughingBear 1024February 16, 2005 06:55AM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

Jennifer Foster 1082February 18, 2005 01:35AM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

Steamboat 841February 18, 2005 07:11AM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

Paul P. 888February 18, 2005 10:28AM

Established Cooperative Agreement

katrina island 1287February 18, 2005 05:07PM

Re: Established Cooperative Agreement

mojavegreen 876February 18, 2005 06:33PM

Thieves, not the government?

katrina island 778February 18, 2005 07:32PM

Re: Thieves, not the government?

mojavegreen 861February 18, 2005 08:54PM

Re: Established Cooperative Agreement

Steamboat 833February 19, 2005 08:31AM

Jennifer Foster screaming

mojavegreen 874February 18, 2005 03:49PM

Re: Jennifer Foster screaming

Jennifer Foster 1066February 19, 2005 02:30AM

Re: Jennifer Foster screaming

mojavegreen 909February 19, 2005 11:57AM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

Wizard 879February 18, 2005 12:14PM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

Rick 763February 18, 2005 01:07PM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

LaughingBear 917February 18, 2005 10:36PM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

LaughingBear 847February 19, 2005 06:19AM

What I wouldn't put past the BLM ...

katrina island 982February 19, 2005 11:50AM

Re: What I wouldn't put past the BLM ...

Steamboat 995February 19, 2005 12:30PM

Canary for BLM Management

mojavegreen 904February 19, 2005 02:40PM

J1299 Trail Counterpoint

katrina island 782February 19, 2005 04:42PM

Re: J1299 Trail Counterpoint

mojavegreen 847February 19, 2005 05:33PM

lots of equestrian tracks?

katrina island 870February 19, 2005 06:32PM

Re: More damage at Cottonwood Springs

LaughingBear 1420February 19, 2005 10:07PM

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