This crime was reported to the 24 hour Federal BLM/USFS hotline. 909-383-5653 for non emergent and 909 383 5651 for emergent.
Katrina, you neglected to add assault with a motor vehicle to your list of lawlessness. I believe thats attempted pc187 when a motorcycle rider speeds directly at a pedestrian intentionaly. A boobytrap was found and reported by the FOJF to the same number two weeks ago prompting a visit by BLM law enforcement.
Since there has been some real vocalization from your friend Jennifer Foster about this fence being removed, does Katrina have any information that would be helpful in apprehending these thieves? Ranger Nelson refused to send a Ranger out today to investigate for tracks before the rain. He stated they didn't have the manpower available. Must have been a busy tuesday.