The investigator was trying to find out what was happening. If indeed someone planted booby traps, this was investigated in depth. This is not the reason I am reluctant to post the report. It is quite probable that the finder was the culprit. OHV activists use this tactic in order to discredit opposition to open riding. Booby trapping targets the innocent and somebody's child could get hurt.
There are some ongoing issues regarding Ranger Nelson that I do not wish to compromise Katrina. I know you are just salivating to get a taste of this report so why not FOIA the document? Basicly, there needs to be physical data linking the perpatrators of misdeeds or an eye witness that can positivly indentify a suspect. Hard to do in a remote area when the perpetrators have helmets on and are riding dirt bikes. Every bike is different though. No two are ridden the same way and after a while, your ears get fine tuned. Identifying motorcycles is like identifying different birds. You learn the difference after you look at a few.