Arizona Mike wrote:
> Rick wrote:
> "Its meaning is clear enough to me, Mike. Do you have anything
> to actually add to the discussion or are you just here to nip
> at heels?"
> Yeah tell me all about nipping at heels, you and one your
> kiss-up freind do it all the time here.
What kiss-up "freind" would that be, Mike? Frankly, I have no clue as to whom you are speaking of.
> By the way, why did you remove the post I made commenting back
> to Ann McNally's post about me? What's the matter Rick, you
> can't stand to hear the truth? Hmmmmm?
I removed it because it was abusive and, in my opinion, does not belong here. It was a sad example of you anger problem and I've told you before I'll put up with little of that here. If you don't like my policies, please feel free to interact with the door on your way out.