To clarify the issue a little, when I speak of stronger laws being enacted, it relates to OHV tresspass on private land. This problem is recognized by the cities of Hesperia and Barstow already and the County of Riverside is crafting legislation as well. As there are ample recreation oppertunities for OHV enthusiasts on public lands, there is no reason whatsoever for OHV tresspass on private lands. The OHV community has no valid arguement that would endorse this behavior. The only deterrent will be strong laws with confiscation provisions much like illegal dumpers and drug dealers face.
The OHV volunteers are currently no longer working for the BLM in the Juniper Sub Region due to the J1299 controversy. Some of the FOJF members do have current volunteer aggreements with the BLM to help observe and educate the public. We are not the OHV police however and outlaw behavior can only be observed and reported which suits me just fine. I would like to see the BLM post clear route designations in the area and provide maps for the public. We have not observed any BLM enforcement and can only hope for a constructive change by working with this agency.