I may be wrong, correct me if I am. But as to fences in California do not they belong to the person who owns the property they are on? Regardless of who funded or built them? Who do you think is responsible? And what do you think the law is or should be? I know that is a loaded question. But I value your opionon on these topics.
To whom it concerns :
It seems to me the problem here. Is not fences, the BLM, or motorcycles.
The problem is human nature.
The BLM has a problem.
(BECAUSE) Congress does not fund the BLM to do the job that congress gave them to do.
(EFFECT) A BLM with no teeth.
(BECAUSE) A few disrespectful nitwits on dirt bikes can also have wire cutters.
(EFFECT) Pissed off property owners who have to hear these dirt bags constantly, and feel they have been pissed on.
The wild west aint dead it is where you are, so be careful.
These problems also existed long ago,before the BLM or congress attempted to resolve them. Human nature has always been a problem.
Modern technoledgy has only changed the dynamics.
That is only my opinon, I could be wrong.
May God help us all while we observe His sons b'day.