The only issue not addressed by Katrina is presenting this case in a REAL court of law. I still dont get the logic here of how Katrina can claim to own something that belongs to someone else by "adverse possession". Since Katrina never has had possession in the first place, I believe that any judge or jury in their right mind would rule in Mr Castro's favor.
The mystery residents of Juniper Flats are really sick and tired of William's war against whoever has the Bowen Ranch. This sick obsession has become Gail's as well. when I returned in 2000 and discovered Katrina waging a campaign against ....mmmmm...lets see, the County Code Enforcement, the Sherrif's dept, the USFS, the BLM and Mike Castro on my behalf, I took a good long look at who Katrina is. My conclusion is these are very sick people.
Since I was one of the people cited for code violations and burned out in the Willow Fire, I asked her to remove the hostile anti=government propaganda involving my person and property from the DCHS website. Katrina continued to misrepresent me. My requests were ignored. I view this behavior as extremly disrespectful.
Katrina can take this grudge to court and the sooner the better. Unfortunatly,thats not "her" style. History has demonstrated a pattern of talking about legal action but never following through. If Katrina had a real case, Mike Castro would hav been evicted a long time ago.