my understanding is that a quit claim deed is not much better than a mechanics lein. A friend of mine (an acountant) here fought the IRS . they finally auctioned off his house. when the purchaser came over he refuded to move. All she had was a quit claim deed. In Texas the warrenty deed is king, and he had one. He had a lawsuit going over it and it was a hot potatoe. All the rich ranchers in texas with warrenty deeds and the judge with the federal government on his back.
He finally gave up the house to the purchasers for the sole reason that he had no punitative damages to claim against the government. About 2 or 3 years later, he sent them a letter. You know how you laws say that we can go back 5 years and average our taxes? Well I did just that, and guess what! As it turns out, I never owed you any money anyway. Now I want my house back". Well, of course they couldn't give him his house back, because they had sold it to someone else. So they had to pay him the fair market value. I saw the check. What a con man. He knew all the time he had nothing to loose.