Hello Jim,
Thank you for sharing your story. Regarding your experience at Bowen Ranch, that seems to have been before the time of Mike Castro. Presently there are clear instructions for anyone entering when no one is there, and envelopes are provided so that money can be paid on entry.
Your experience with the house in Hawthorne is interesting. You did not say if this lawyer friend is or was involved in real estate law, and it is not clear if the words "the property owner" always refers to the owner of the land and not the owner of the house. I am sure that this friend tried to give you good advice, but my understanding is that it is the reverse meaning...that the owner of the land would acquire the building sitting on it, which would make sense because land is more permanent than buildings. Your conclusion from this, that you technically owned the land that the house sat on, seems incorrect. I have never heard of a case where someone could acquire the ownership of someone else's land by building on it. In fact, I would be seriously worried if that were the case.