>>The Ware incident was a conflict over property lines, the result of an >>incorrect survey. It is important to know that the jury did not have the >>results of the subsequent corrected survey when they decided against >>John Ware. That re-survey verified that the Bowen ranch house was >>indeed on the Moss Ranch property.
We have only just begun with the news articles detailing the history of this case. John Ware and his family were evicted in June 1975. However, the case continued as John Ware and Helen Ware then filed a civil case to gain back the Bowen Ranch building. The correct survey was part of the new civil case and the decision that I keep posting was the decision made on the ownership issues in January 1977.
>>The misplaced north-south property line affected both the Bowen and >>Moss ranch houses. The Bowen ranch house was found to be on the >>Moss Ranch and the Moss ranch house was found to be on U.S. >>Government land. This was unfortunate for Fred Moss, who lost a much >>better house than he gained with the Bowen ranch house.
Fred Moss actually ended up losing both houses. Moss Ranch to the Government and Bowen Ranch to the New York owners in that January 1977 decision.
>>A separate tax parcel for the Bowen ranch house was created for the >>Bowen ranch house (structure only) to address payment of taxes to San >>Bernardino County during the conflict over the property lines. Once the >>conflict was resolved, this ceased to have function and lapsed from use. >>The separate Bowen ranch house tax parcel continues to be archived in >>the County record. It is the same tax parcel that Ms. Fry contends that >>she gained possession of through payment of back taxes and $1500 to >>obtain a quitclaim from a previous owner. Somehow, she has also >>managed to attach 40 acres, despite the fact that land was specifically >>excluded.
Actually DCHS, Inc. spoke to Mr. Kevin Johansen at the Office of the Assessor and he sent us a letter which was previously posted on the DCHS website.
"Our office created a separate assessment for a small 768 square foot residence built in the 1920's. It appears we did this because it came to our attention sometime in the past that the owner of the residence was not the owner of the land that the residence was built on. I believe we created this assessment in the mid 1970's. I have enclosed a copy of a newspaper article that was in our files. I believe the information contained in this article along with contact with the parties involved is what initiated the separate assessment for the house. The newspaper article is not dated, but Robert Herbin was the assessor for San Bernardino County in the 1970's.
The parcel number of the land that the residence sits on is 0433-101-03-0000. The legal description for that parcel is NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 NC 1/4 DEC 11 TP 3N R 3W. The current owner and assessee of that parcel is Fred Moss Trust.
We are currently assessing the residence to Max and Rose Hossman. The tax bills are being sent to 339 E. Selva Rd., Laguna Nequel, CA 92677."
The news article accompanying this letter from the assessor will be posted later in the order of the Bowen History that will be posted on an ongoing basis.
>>She claims that her ownership is recorded, but in truth, the County of >>San Bernardino has refused to do so.
Document #2000-104215 recorded March 28, 2000, Quitclaim Deed from Hoffman, Bekermus and Kapelusz to DCHS, Inc.
>>Ownership of the Bowen Ranch had already passed to Las Flores-Summit >>Valley Land Co. at the time Ms. Fry purchased the quitclaim for DCHS, Inc. >>from the previous owners in New York. Any existing property right to the >>Bowen ranch house would have been already conveyed to Las Flores. >>Las Flores has never asserted a claim for any interest in the Bowen >>ranch house.
The Bowen Ranch house and 40 acre easement were assigned a separate parcel number independent of the Bowen Ranch lands. When Hoffman, Bekermus and Kapelusz sold the Bowen Ranch land to Rancho Las Flores the parcel number and legal description transferred was to the Bowen Ranch lands only.
The interest and title in the Bowen Ranch house and 40 acre easement remained in the names of Hoffman, Bekermus and Kapelusz.
>>Also of interest, the previous owners (in New York) declared that they >>held no known property rights to the ranch house parcel. That >>declaration was made repeatedly in a letter that accompanied the >>quitclaim deed purchased by DCHS, Inc.
The Quitclaim Deed transferred the interests of Hoffman, Bekermus and Kapelusz in Parcel Number 0433-101-03Z001 and the legal description that was recorded as to the interest being transferred to DCHS, Inc. was the January 1977 court judgment.
>>Mike, Kevin and Tanya, the new owners of Moss Ranch and the Bowen >>ranch house, are highly regarded by their neighbors. They are entitled to >>the peaceful possession and enjoyment of their properties. That is a >>basic property right and the American way. Anyone who feels they have >>a conflicting legal claim should pursue their action in the courts. As a >>society, we must never tolerate public libel and harassment as a >>substitute for legal action.
This issue will be pursued in court as it should be. There has been NO public libel. Fred Moss changed his legal description for both properties through fraudulent documents recorded between related parties years ago. That is why I provided those document numbers for Sycamorelaughing. If she is truly conducting independent research, I would think that she would look at the actual recorded documents. These fraudulent documents were presented as proof of their ownership to Chicago Title. Chicago Title failed to conduct sufficient research into the chain of title and were defrauded into issuing title insurance.
The actions of Fred Moss and the purchasers are a violation of Penal code Sections 549 and 550(b)(3), felonies.
Sycamorelaughing (who is not easily swayed by talk) is presenting "talk" has her basis in developing her opinion. What about recorded documents Sycamorelaughing? What about chain of title? How does Mike Castro's chain of title to the Bowen Ranch building come together? Have you independly researched an interest in real estate developed through "adverse possession"?