I must be a fool to let you draw me into another insane discussion, Katrina, but here goes nothing.
Just as others have stated, the information on your website is less than convincing. Not even Law Enforcement believes you. By your own admission, nearly every person or group you've talked to has turned you away as well.
When you make arguments such as the 'toll road' argument, it's obvious why they turn you away -- it has no basis in fact. It's only your opinion based on a misplaced red circle on a plat map.
I made some rough calculations based on your map, and clearly you have the red circle placed too far west. In fact, you have us driving no less than 1000 feet west of the Ranch buildings, which clearly isn't the case. At no time do we drive that far west from the buildings. The drive is more or less directly south from Mike's place.
In addition, the Las Flores land is located in the west half of Section 11, while Mike's parking areas are all in the east half of Section 11. Born out by carefully plotting the actual trail to the Springs, using the topographical contour lines and trail and dry creek markings to determine precisely where the actual trail is and leads, at no time do cars ever cross the midline of Section 11.
So, what are we to think of your arguments and website? What convinces me most to view your posts as the rantings of a fanatic is the idea that it's any of your business in the first place.
For those interested, take a look for yourself: http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?z=11&n=3800185&e=485008&s=25&size=l
So, you can continue to try to make an issue of tax evasion if you like. Intelligent people will (and do) see right through it to your real agenda. You invested in a worthless Quit Claim deed and you're out to force the issue.