Gary Roe by the story I heard from him was not on any private property. The 40 acres of private land closest to where Gary was when this shooting occured is now owned by Kevin and Tanya who used to spend time at the Bowen Ranch in thier trailer. Its blantently obvious that Mike Castro went into one of his tirads and shot ( numerous shots ) out in the direction that he knew Gary Roe was walking as an act of intimidation which also could have caused deadly consequences. If, as Gary states a bullet or bullets ricocheted over his head then it is possible he could have been hit given the right circumstances. A ricocheting bullet is definitlly out of control in its path. Even if someone intentionally or inadverdantly wandered onto Kevin and Tanya,s land that does not give Mike Castro the right to shoot at them. He could report these people as tresspassers. I have heard that a familiar visitor to DCHS named Pete with his friend were the ones who gave Gary a ride and dropped him off and then proceeded to the ranch were they apparently got a good ranting from Castro since he had just before seen them dropping Gary off. I'll be interested in seeing what Pete has to say about all of this next time I see him. Since Pete is one who has depended on the benifits of parking at the Bowen Ranch he may not be so inclined to speak out against Castro. Gary Roe now no longer parks his car on the open routes because of vandalism problems which he has no doubt is coming from Mike Castro. Now he has to resort to either walking a much longer distance from his property in the village or getting the occasional ride from a friend or other helpful persons. He can't just take a nice ride in his vehicle up along the open routes and park and then go for a nice time down to DCHS because he knows his vehicle will stand a good chance of being harmed when he returns. Gary Roe was chased wildly by Mike Castro last summer which caused him to crash into some wire fencing fortunately only injuring his thumb. Then Gary states that Mike Castro chased him around some bushes with a gun saying threatening things. Believe me I've heard plenty from lots of differant springs visitors over the the years that Mike Castro has occupied the Bowen Ranch. These are in most cases independent people that have no connection to eachother except for the fact that they visit the area and the springs. Jim Pepper is one who tried to inform me of the state of affairs regarding Mike Castro and his actions but unfortunatly he passed away to soon for me to realize what he was getting at. The time since has revealed a disturbing path of negativity that Mike Castro has followed in regards to some in the DCHS community. He is completely riled up about people like Katrina, Gary or anyone else who might shed light on his ( to put it very lightly ) less than friendly conduct around the Bowen Ranch. So in the end, what do ya do with this guy, Castro. Just watch him close my DCHS friends and keep your ears open too. Gary Roe would tell you, when you pay Mike Castro the toll, your not paying Mike to protect your car, your paying Mike not to shoot your car or acost you in some other rather unfriendly way for not parking on his property and paying HIS toll. Money, money, money, makes some people lose sight of thier humanity.