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The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (71% of Full)


Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

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February 15, 2003 12:17PM
Once again, the messenger becomes the evil one. Katrina states in her first sentence that what she is sharing is a " story as told by hotspringer Gary Roe ". I have heard many, many stories from a wide variety of people of the confrontations they have had, outside the Bowen Property while accessing DCHS. Some Ostriches believe it is all a grand, collective, charade. Mike Castro,s aggresive acts are not the product of the vivid imagination of a huge group of conspirators. Those of you who believe that, also may believe the moon is made of green cheese. I have a personal friend who accidentally found himself on the Bowen property on his motorcycle back in a time before the current gates at the Ranches Southern end. Coming from that direction ( at that time ) there were no signs indicating that you had entered private property. My friend rode by the ranch house and on toward the Bowen Ranch road and found he was suddenly being chased by Mike Castro on his motorcycle. My friend did not know who Mike was and he said mike was behaving very aggressively and ranting so my friend tried to distance himself from this threatening person who was following him. Mike chased him wildly until he finally fell and my friend went on his way. I never solicited this story. My friend told me while I was was telling him about the hotsprings. Mike Castro apparently, now legally owns a portion of dirt around the Bowen Ranch as defined by the law. He has a right to protect his land. He does not have the right to go off his land and aggresively confront people who are accessing around his peice of property. In the case of my friend, he accidentally crossed onto Castro's property, which other people also have done in times past when practically all of the boundries of this particular piece of property were unmarked by any signs. It was an innocent mistake. My friend said that if Mike would have come up to him calmly told him about the property boundries that my friend would have apologized and steered clear of there in the future. It has come to be my view that these problems of aggresive actions coming from the various recent residents of the Bowen Ranch stem not from issues of protection of property, but rather from attempts to control the flow of visitors to DCHS through acts of intimidation and vandalism. The flow of visitors to DCHS from the north flow mostly through, and in small part around the Bowen Ranch. How much do you think the four bucks a head add up to in a year of visitors passing through the Bowen Ranch. Does Castro pay taxes on this income like the rest of us do on money we earn, I've heard that he doesn't. Does Castro have the right to have any right to control of any of the lands outside of his property. Has the USFS, BLM, Sheriffs Dept or anyone else given him enforcement powers, I serriously doubt it. People who visit DCHS and access by public routes around the Bowen Ranch should not have to run a gauntlet of danger when parking in public lands and trying to peacefully visit the springs. If Gary Roe's story is true, it is another example to be added to a long list of crimminal acts perpetrated on visitors to DCHS who " dare " to attempt to access the springs by any way other than the Bowen Ranch. In my opinion, the fact that Katrina has brought exposure and light to these issues of aggresive acts has been for all practical purposes a key force in moderating Mike Castro's aggressive nature. Without the sharing of this information, things would continue to happen, and nobody would be the wiser except for the people directly affected. I think it would be interesting if all the parties, " everyone " got together in a big round table discussion of all of these issues. I would be open to that but somehow I think this would shine way to much light on " all " the relevant points of view and information involved with these situations and acts in the Bowen Ranch vicinity when it comes to Mike Castro's agenda. Mike Castro once made a statement in a conversation I had with him that goes basically like this " you tell a lie enough times, and eventually it will become truth ". He was making reference to the statements coming from Katrina and others but from what I've seen, this is a tactic Mike Castro is all too familiar with, thats my opinion. So the bullseye on my head is much bigger now I'm sure, having stated the above, but sometimes you have to stand up, speak your mind in order to seek truth, fairness and justice for those being affected negatively by aggressive and criminal acts. Katrina is presently engaged, at her own expense, in exposing the injustices of San Bernardino county corruption as well as other things. Her website is down because of lack of money and yet she still spends an enormous amount of time and effort in this endeavor of seeking justice. In doing so she has put her personel saftey in jeopardy. I only wish there were more people like her, people who do not hide thier head in the sand so they won't have to know whats really going on.

Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

katrina island 1567February 14, 2003 09:49PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 1006February 15, 2003 09:58AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Ron 1602February 16, 2003 07:47AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 970February 16, 2003 10:33AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 984February 15, 2003 12:17PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 942February 16, 2003 11:06AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 953February 16, 2003 04:44PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 1022February 16, 2003 08:21PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Rick 883February 16, 2003 10:22PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 1043February 17, 2003 11:37AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Paul P. 960February 19, 2003 10:43AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 923February 20, 2003 09:37PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Rick 904February 21, 2003 12:52PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 1000February 21, 2003 03:51PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 1098February 21, 2003 10:23PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 908February 16, 2003 11:14AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 1027February 16, 2003 10:54PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 956February 17, 2003 07:22AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 836February 19, 2003 08:48PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 894February 19, 2003 08:56PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 998February 19, 2003 10:02PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

katrina island 1154February 20, 2003 02:16AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Paul P. 932February 20, 2003 12:23PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 769February 20, 2003 09:49PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 931February 20, 2003 10:17PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 906February 20, 2003 10:33PM

sycamorelaughing's Propaganda

katrina island 886February 21, 2003 12:04PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Paul P. 1116February 21, 2003 12:29PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 951February 21, 2003 01:38PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 964February 21, 2003 10:38PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 983February 21, 2003 11:13PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 1157February 21, 2003 10:55PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Ron 806February 22, 2003 08:55AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 931February 21, 2003 11:35PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Ron 870February 23, 2003 07:04AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 903February 23, 2003 10:30AM

More Victims of Mike Castro's Violence

katrina island 1003February 23, 2003 12:30PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 1564February 23, 2003 08:51PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Peace 910March 24, 2003 11:25AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 1457March 27, 2003 08:59AM

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