I hiked out of DCHS with a person last night who shared some stories about Mike Castro acting out in a very aggressive manner to them. This person expressed that from these experiences that they seek to avoid Mike Castro since they had changed thier opinion of him because of his behavior. This person very clearly felt that Mike Castro represented a threatening figure and that he very definitly is an aggressive and violent man when he gets riled up. This is just one more expample among many of conversations where people have told me of Mike Castro and his threatening behavior towards them. All of us in the DCHS community need to be watchful of any criminal or aggressive acts in the DCHS area, by anyone. Since the local authorities, for whatever reason, have not been very helpful with this issue by putting some pressure on Mike Castro to stop his antics we can pretty much figure that we, as the regulars of the DCHS community need to help ourselves by watching out for eachother in what way we can. Now this person, feeling threatened by Mike has chosen to just lay low and avoid anything to do with Mike, thats understandable. I told this person that at some point however, people, when confronted by unjust deeds, need to stand together, speak out, and work to stop these negative deeds.. The continueing negative behavior from Mike Castro toward various people in our DCHS community needs to be addressed, the innocent people affected do not deserve his wrath.