sycamorelaughing wrote:
> Wow...what a crazy thread!!! Thanks for ithe info on William.
> I already knew that he is a small-built person, but now that I
> know that he also carries a gun I'm going to follow forum logic
> and be afraid of him!
Your logic is a bit strange. Care to explain how being shot at jumps to just carrying a gun?
> What I'm wondering is why and how Mike Castro goes all the way
> to the Mohave dam to vandalize cars there?
I'm wondering where that comes from. I haven't seen anybody claim Mike Castro vandalizes cars at the dam.
> I guess I do see why local people would have an issue with
> paying anything at all. I hear that there was a time that
> anyone could access for free through Moss Mill, and a whole
> "commune" of people were living at the springs.
Those are two seperate times. Once again you play fast and loose with the facts.
> I generally give people respect until they show me that they
> don't deserve it. Some people will take that to mean that I am
> on Mike Castro's "side" or that I "support" him. That is your
> choice. I expect that reasonable people will be able to sort
> through the B.S. and realize what is what.
The "B.S." appears to be coming from you. Other people have posted facts which you are now trying to spin. I have to wonder about your motives.