In the first post about this, it sounded like one group of hotspringers and one might wonder then how the author of the post got the information to report as though having been an eyewitness to the event. Random visitors to the springs would not be likely to report anything that happened to Katrina Island, a pair of people who live nowhere near the springs and whose anti-Mike Castro (Bowen Ranch owner) website is down.
Now we discover that it was not one group of hotspringers, but that the person who apparently gave the report, Gary Roe, was not connected with the other hotspringers at the Bowen Ranch gate, except for having given him a ride. We have not heard from anyone hear except for Mr. Roe, although Katrina Island is to be commended for sounding like an objective reporter.
Left out of this report is the fact that Mr. Roe has a longstanding dispute with the owner of the Bowen Ranch, and that the authors of the report, Katrina Island, have been using Mr. Roe's side of the dispute to further their agenda, which involves trying unsuccessfully for years to obtain control or ownership of the Bowen Ranch property without having bought the property. Knowing these things might put this crazy-sounding story into a different perspective. I wasn't there and don't know what may or may not have happened, but I know better than to believe everything I hear on the web, and especially when I know something about the motives of the authors.