AZ, get your information correct. This quarter mile rule thing was a figment of your imagination. I was following the Forest Service policy the night I was confronted by the " sheriffs ". If the Forest Service policy was the " only " policy that effected the Forest Service area, I would not have ever had this situation occur. I followed all the Forest Service recomendations for how to conduct yourself regarding nudity in thier area in that situation of last weekend. The fact is, thier are multiple agencis that can enforce laws in the Forest Service lands. The Forest Service needs to tell people this when they talk about what people can expect regarding nudity in these Forest Service land. I'm sure most people would think that if they were told policy by a Forest Service reprsentative about how they should conduct themselves regarding nudity in thier lands that this would be the only policy that would come into play. The reality is, that this is not true. If you doubt what I'm saying about this quarter mile rule of " yours ", call Brad Burns yourself.