To Mr. Emmet Berg:
As you can see by the above comments, we as a group have mixed feelings about publicity about DCHS. Perhaps that is why you got so little response when you first asked for people's stories. I hope you did not take my comments about your article in a personal way, as a criticism of yourself. If you do write about DCHS again, I hope that you will spend more time there as suggested by Paul.
In some ways, any publicity is potentially bad news for the springs. Yet, even though less people will want to visit DCHS if they think it is some lawless wild-west type place, the people who will want to visit will be looking for that environment.
This is why I am more concerned about your article than I would be about a positive article that drew larger crowds to the site. Even though increased usage is in itself bad, responsible usage can be hard to foster when people are drawn here for the "wrong reasons."
If you've been reading recent postings, then you know that a group of people who post here have made some real progress towards forming a group whose main function will be to do mainly that: foster good attitudes.
Miracles happen at and around DCHS. The creepy things that happen just get remembered longer.
Ask for me at the springs if/when you visit. I am not too hard to find, even if you don't ask a sycamore tree. I"ll be there around the 24th for the weekend, camping at Bowen and soaking during the daytimes.