I do not think it would be appropriate for Emmett Berg to do another article about Deep Creek. Like most of you, I thought the article was very slanted and did not paint a fair picture of all the dynamics involved. One of the biggest problems we face as collective supporters of DCHS will come from increased population pressures. Southern California will continue to attract millions of new residents in the next 20 years. Many of them will end up taking a trip to Deep Creek. They will need to be educated in environmental presrvation as well as the historical and spiritual perspectives of DCHS. I just don't think it is a wise idea to advertise DCHS too strongly right now to the masses. However, I see no problem in any of us E-mailing Emmett Berg and expressing our opinions about the article. His E-mail is
etb@journalist.com. I think now our focus should continue to be on finalizing a name for the group and finalizing the Mission Statement, as well as working on the brochure content.