MP, From what I have found so far, the Sheriffs have thier own state policies to follow which may very well be conflicting with the Forest Service policy that is implemented concerning DCHS and surrounding Forest Service lands. If I find that to be true, then I will see what I can possibly do to see that some kind of cohesive policy is established. People should be truly safe from arrest on thier trips to DCHS and in these Forest Service lands if they are abiding by the Forest Service rules and being otherwise responsible. As far as contacting these Sheriffs search and rescue people associated with the sheriffs dept. , Brad did ask me were these search and rescue people operated out of. I told him that they are the ones who do search and rescue for the DCHS area. He may have contacted them to find out what happened up there. I have found Brad to be a very diplomatic person and I think he will do what he can in a way not to cause a rift between his agency and the Sheriffs dept. Set boundries and specific policy that does not overlap need to be identified for the saftey of those who enjoy Naturism in an environment like DCHS where there are minor children present. Thanks for you observations MP :-)