Dad in pain said topo maps do not lie. The folks at the Bowen ranch do lie however. If you ask Castro he will tell you the Bowen ranch property goes all the way to the fence at the lower parking lot and west to the Mojave river. And property survey lines have changed with better technology.
Mike told me years ago " the only way to get him out of there would be to kill him." Is this the change you are advocating ?
It would be easier/better if the IRS did the killing ! Or at least let the powers that be do their job. Which they have NOT ! This makes the cops crooked and evil in my opinion.
Be careful what you do not know can come back and bite you ... you know where !
Years ago I preposed to the Forest service that they bull doze the road around the Bowen ranch. They informed me that they would acept donations for the cost. The problem there is you would have to file an environmental impact statement with both the department of Agriculture (forest service) and the Department of the Interior (B.L.M.). The cost for that is over 100,00$. So to get around that you would need to get a waiver from both Departments. To get that you would need to get both of the Dept. heads to sign off on the waiver. All possible but, then we would still have to contract for the bull dozer. Which goes for @ 250$ per hour.
The constitution guarantees we CAN petition our government. I say we start a fund raiser and DO THIS !