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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (92% of Full)


Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

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August 15, 2011 05:02PM
First of all I HATE being negative ! But when bad things happen to good hot springer's the public needs to be aware in order to catch the bad guys and put them in their place (prison).
I had a very nice visit yesterday to the springs. I saw several old time hot springer's and met a few new ones. I saw many friends and an enemy. Then I dug the sand out of the Arizona hot pool. Making for a deeper soaking experience there.
While talking to some campers they told me about the rangers visiting the day before (Saturday evening). They related how they eluded them and or pretended to cooperate. All very interesting stories.
The creek was very cool relaxing and fun to swim in.. The Womb pool was nice and clean and the soakers all seemed to be having a good day.
Just before sundown many persons were on the beach preparing to leave self included. A new regular soaker was picking up trash and had 2 large trash bags. The large bag he was preparing to haul out weighed over 50 lbs. it was mostly glass bottles. I thanked him for his service and asked if there was anything I could do to help him. He pointed to another bag that was just as large but weighed less at about 40lbs. So I took this large filthy bag upon my shoulders and headed up mofo hill. When I got to the top I was tired and stopped at earthquake rock.
Standing and resting there was another hot spring regular I have known for 2 decades. He does not want to be identified because he works for the Department of Defence on secret projects. He used to have cool bumper stickers on his car with things like ... Make love not war, PEACE NOW !! Export bread NOT bombs. He took them off when he got his job with the DOD and now has no bumper stickers. He offered to help me by carrying my large and heavy load. So I said "Thank you very much." It turned out he was parked in my regular parking spot. I had spotted his truck there when I drove past on my motorcycle. This was my first time riding my motorcycle to the Freedom trail head. I live 27 miles from the trail head and bought this motorcycle to save gas while visiting D.C.H.S. He offered to carry out my large bag in his truck because I explained to him how it would not fit on my motorcycle. He carried the bag several hundred yards and gave me some of his Ice water then continued on to his truck. This made my burden much easier.
When I got to the trail head I carried the bag over to deposit into his truck. When I got there some one had hurled a large rock through his driver side window. This caused me to go into my solve this mystery mode. I took my flash light out and saw where a ATV had driven up to his window and left toward Bowen Ranch. I also saw where 2 other windows toward the trail head had also been broken recently. These appeared to be big enough to be front windshields.
This large rock had gone through his drivers side and hit the passengers side causing damage to the interior there also. I helped him clear some of the glass out then we followed the ATV tracks to see what we could learn. The ATV tracks came out of and returned to the Bowen ranch. Also at the quonset hut the front porch light was on and we could see an ATV there. almost as if some one were saying here we are ? !
What makes this all very interesting to me is this :
When I got to his truck I learned that this hot spring regular had brought his cousin along. His cousin was my age and looked similar to me in size and build.
When I first got to the springs I encountered Kevin from Bowen Ranch. While putting away my sunglasses to enter the Womb pool Kevin made it abundantly clear that that girl and that one and that one were his daughters and I was to stay away from them. I immediately left his BAD vibe for the Arizona pool and avoided this BAD vibe bully and his family. As best I could.
I HATE being around negative people ! This is what it is ? Freedom is not free ! YOU GOTTA fight for the right !
So I am just curious if some one broke his window thinking they were targeting me ? Him parking in my regular spot and having a cousin who looks like me :~0

Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

jobe3685August 15, 2011 05:02PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Wizard1628August 15, 2011 11:17PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

dadinpain1642August 16, 2011 11:08AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Paul P.1490August 16, 2011 12:36PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

lbcalrr1576August 16, 2011 02:33PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

jobe1557August 16, 2011 01:29PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Paul P.1444August 16, 2011 02:23PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

jobe1382August 16, 2011 10:01PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Wizard1337August 16, 2011 10:45PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

dadinpain1563August 17, 2011 12:19AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Wizard1344August 17, 2011 12:10PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

katrina island2922August 17, 2011 02:17PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Paul P.1388August 18, 2011 09:53AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

jobe1457August 17, 2011 07:47AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Wizard1614August 17, 2011 01:26PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Tom Foolery1394August 17, 2011 02:21PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

dadinpain1323August 17, 2011 03:40PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Wizard1649August 17, 2011 11:30PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Wizard1290August 18, 2011 12:09AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Mark G1787August 19, 2011 02:28AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Mark G1513August 19, 2011 02:13AM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Another Subject1345September 15, 2011 08:39PM

Re: Broken windows at Freedom trail head !

Rick2187September 15, 2011 08:55PM

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