Sorry to hear that more jerks had to ruin it for this is my question. Does the freedom trail parking area belong to the Bowmans? Is it their property? Next....just because you have to pass the ranch to they feel it's not right to pay them and just pass by? and head down the road to a free area? First off I have never been to the ranch and don't even know the lay out......but I have googled it many times and see the National forest fence line in if people park in other areas than the there vandalism? What can seriously be done? Can I buy some land along the fence and put up a parking lot for MY friends.....aka deep creek friends? There are plenty of trails and forest and county roads out in the general area.....or so it shows on the satelite map. Maybe I should drive in that way some time and see for my self. I have always parked near Lake Arrowhead Road/Drive and the spillway.....and walk the PCT in. Yes....I have even seen broken windows near the spillway right off the paved road... and my heart skips a beat every time I return back to my car. We shouldn't have to worry each trip what we will come back to. But I guess that's just the times we live in. I am open to any ideas, and here to help.....maybe do a lil undercover recon laying low in a bivey bag with camo on waiting for glass to break.....shouldn't have to....but can assure you if I catch WONT happen again. So.......what are we going to do.......Bueller.....Bueller.....Bueller. Thanks