Dadinpain, regarding this you wrote " so long as he is claiming all the profit on his take ", I had a conversation with a person who used to take the money at the gate for Mike Castro and he told me there was no money paid in taxes on the gate fees collected. Of course is anyone really supprised about that? And referencing this you wrote " he doesn't own the trails...or roads that lead in and out of the area ", the truth is, Mike Castro's actions have shown that he fully intends on doing what he can to affect negatively the nature of visitaion to DCHS, outside of his small private parcel of 80 acres. The more people scared to chance their vehicles sitting anywhere on public lands around the Bowen Ranch ( alternative public routes ), the more paying customers for Mike Castro. Broken windows and broken window stories for MC equals more cash.
Its like Katrina once said, the area around the Bowen Ranch ends up being essentially lawless terrain when Mike Castro over many years gets to perp so many incidents, and law enforcement does nothing to stop him. In a fairly recent report by Jobe, he told of Mike Castro driving off of his property onto the public route in a vehicle coming close to where Jobe was parked, then if I remember Jobe's story correctly Mike Castro got out wearing chamoflouge gear and a mask and pointed a rifle at Jobe who was in his vehicle on the public road. Jobe backed up and went on his way and no one got hurt thankfully. Jobe said he filed a police report, and I wonder if law enforcement even talked to Mike Castro about it. My guess, probably not.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2011 01:28PM by Wizard.