Time for change. Nuff said. Jobe, I would love to meet some time and use your gps and take some measurements. We all can do surveys and Google Earth and topo maps don't lie. I have no idea who Mike is......that being said he has every right to allow people to park on HIS land and charge a fee.....so long as he is claiming all the profit on his take. I don't think it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to video all the cars and number people daily and send a copy to the IRS. hahahnot Look he doesn't own the trails...or roads that lead in and out of the area. Seems to me that I can get a D9 dozer and plow a road to a nice parking area just beyond his place.....no? Possibly talk to other land owners in the area and see if they will lease their land in the best interest of the spring yada yada. I need to get some maps out and do some research...... Like I said....Time for change.